Due to the covid-19 outbreak a new learning method named Online Distance Learning (ODL) was introduced by the government. This method targets to flatten the curve and emphasizes the students to gain knowledge in this new norm.
Despite the positive intention of this new method, there appeared to be negative feedback's and contradiction of opinions from the students themselves while experiencing this method of learning. In this thread, i will discuss and focus on the pros and cons of ODL.
1.Students are able to arrange their time according to their leisure. Some lecturers who post their lectures and live videos on Youtube enable students to rewind the lecture and repeat the video until they understand. Students have the access to them when they're convenient.
2.Learning online at home also reduces the cost and expenses throughout the semester.Why? Because students don’t need to spend their money on books, printing, facility bills and also food. All assignments are submitted online and their necessities to learn are fulfilled at home.
3.The students could save up their time and graduate on time. Imagine if the semesters got extended, it will definitely delay the graduation date and indirectly cause the newcomers to also be affected by the system because their date of entrance to University will be delayed.
1.Some students don’t have strong access to the internet and some may have no internet access at all. This problem deters the students because the platform used can't be accessed by them. This will lead to an unfair situation as the those who are only capable can learn.
2.The environment at home for some students aren’t suitable for a healthy learning environment. It differs from learning at university, They may have their responsibilities as a child such as taking care of their siblings and working to reduce their families financial problems.
3.Students have low motivation and are easily distracted when they are at home. They tend to be stressed out because of the load of work given to them. At university the peers from the same course could help them and clarify the topics. They may give up and be distracted at home.
To conclude, ODL isn’t the ideal method of learning for everyone and has it’s own flaws. However, throughout this method we as students can flatten curve and make an effort in fighting this virus by learning at home and keeping a distance from others. So yea peace! ✌🏾
Thank you for reading until the end! 😅
Thread by :

Ahmad Darwisy ‘Irfan Bin Husain
You can follow @_drwsy.
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