Friendly reminder to all the non-Puerto Rican Democrats now advocating for Puerto Rico statehood just to accumulate votes: the US has caused immeasurable harm to the island and all the hardships will not go away with statehood; we are seeking debt forgiveness and to be free.
The US took advantage of Puerto Rico by granting residents citizenship only to fight for the US in WW2, they didn’t even bother to treat those soldiers well once they returned. They used Puerto Ricans as lab rats, sterilized women without consent & used Vieques to test weapons.
There is no worse fate for Puerto Rico than to continue to be chained to the country that has kept us from progressing, they even created laws that don’t allow PR to trade with other countries other than the US. They exploited us until they could no more.
Want to fight for Puerto Rico? Then advocate for debt forgiveness and to be broken free from the chains of the United States. Don’t fight for statehood only because it would gain votes for a certain party, we are people who want to progress and have a better future.
We can’t vote for president and yes we pay taxes.
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