— tag yourself as my random weheartit collections, a thread ✨
- you fucking love rings, earrings, necklaces, ANY jewelry
- in mysmes you’d choose jumin han
- you do so much impulsive online shopping
- has the BEST sense of fashion
- cats. CATS!!!! god. cats.
- shelf full of rick riordan books
- closet full of hp merch (you hate jkr tho 100%)
- supportive as hell, likes all your friends’ tweets
- cottagecore wlw/mlm
- PLANTS. so many plants in your room
- you’re not scared of bugs
- would have a photoshoot in a botanical garden
- you bully your friends into loving themselves
- deep down you’re soft
- calls ppl out on their bullshit
- at some point you were a repressed gay
- you use freckles/blush filters
- you say “i’m babie” and “🥺👉👈
- you wear so much PASTEL
- if someone manages to make you angry it’s over for them
- history and literature nerd
- fucking incredible at makeup
- never sleeps. you have created your own timezone
- looks good in ANY hair color fr
- had a roleplay phase at some point
- “want gf/bf” tweets nonstop
- looks on the bright side of things
- has never done anything wrong, in their life
dark blue
- a kpop stan, but hates kpoptwt
- at one point was an emo/scene kid
- had a crush on or kinned stiles stilinski from teen wolf
- somehow likes angst fics on ao3
- very confident
- can make friends with anyone
- would defend your friends with your fucking LIFE
- the fucking funniest ever
- watches tiktoks until 2am or never downloaded tiktok
- binges conspiracy theories
- cishetphobic as you should be
- probably likes the smell of old books
- keysmashes every other text
- their liked songs on spotify are all indie
- ideal date is in an art museum holding hands with your s/o
- wrote angsty poetry in 7th grade
— end of thread ✨
i hope you had fun idk i made this on a whim bc i liked these aesthetics i made</3
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