A guy that has hit on me in the past answered a nonchalant joking question I asked on snapchat: how am I still single? He said it's because I'm too picky, my standards are too high, and I'm afraid of anyone exceeding my expectations.
At first I felt outrageously attacked and amused someone I didn't know could read me that well. Additionally, my gut reaction was to reject this perception of me and my attitude and to find a flaw in this observation. I came to the conclusion that he was right so
I responded with "lol well yes" followed by "but there's nothing wrong with high standards." You see, guys and gals, many moons ago this boy decided to add a video to his snapchat story of a drunken attractive girl at a bar and captioned it 'I need to get her a drink 😍'
Ahhhh yes, how ideal! How charming!!
No.. do not post shit like that and then pretend like you have the right to belittle my decision making on how I decide who deserves a chance with me. I told him my expectations are low and my standards are high, because I deserve the best
And sometimes you just KNOW when someone isn't worth giving a chance to.
I guess the point of this thread is: stay true to your worth and don't question what's meant for you and what isn't. As soon as you start believing you deserve the best, then it will find it's way to you
Plus, it will hopefully keep the assholes away 😊
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