So, I'm in Philly, taking care of some personal business. And I did today what I always do when I'm in town - I walk around Old City, going to all the historic sites.

Usually, this is an enjoyable time for me. But today it was different.
As I'm walking around, I'm seeing history.

OUR history.

And I realize that if the left got their way, all of this would be gone.

Because that's what they want - to erase our history.
Much of the left (not all, but a large percentage) would like to delete the history of our founding, because it does not fir their narrative.

And this evening, it hit me.

America is almost gone.

No, the place will remain, but that's not what I'm talking about.
While America is a place, it's far more than that.

America is an idea, and a set of ideals.

And the left would love nothing more than to erase all of that.

It's their goal.

For some on the left, it's a long time goal.

For others, they are new to the 'party'.
My favorite place in the world is Independence Hall. That building has meant more to me than I can explain. It's where I worked on my Masters thesis and Doctoral dissertation.

To me, it's as close to holy ground as you can find in America.
it's where the most important documents in the history of our nation, and two of the most important in the history of civilization, were written.

The idea of America, and the ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are as relevant today as ever.
Has our nation always lived up to those ideals? No,we haven't. But despite those failings, this nation has still done more to advance the cause of freedom in the world-and at home-than any nation in history.

And if we hold to those ideals, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
But there are those who want to erase our history, so they can create their own.

It's like they think that by destroying things they can make the past disappear.

But the successes and failures of the past are what has made us the nation that we are.
Is it what we've aspired to be for 244 years?

Of course not.

Because, despite the aspirations, we're still imperfect men and women. We make mistakes, both as individuals and as a nation.

And that's not going to change, even if the left gets their way.
America is not a Democrat or Republican thing.

it's not a Conservative or Liberal thing.

America is not a political party or ideology.

Unfortunately, people have placed too much power in, and too many expectations on, those they elect to serve.
We've allowed them to become elected aristocrats. Instead of being citizen legislators, they have made themselves into elected royalty.

They feel entitled.

And as such, try to convince the people we need them.
What happened to being elected, serving for a time, and then going home, back to your life?

No, politicians have become the Lords of the Manor.

And they use US to maintain their power.
They convince people on both sides of the aisle that we can't survive without them.

And then they use anger, fear and even hate to maintain their power.

And we let them create a system that makes it almost impossible to fire them.
Many stoke anger, telling us that Person X is trying to keep them down, and they are the reason you don't have all of the things you 'deserve'.

And the outrage mob goes along.
Unfortunately, the mob is quickly becoming Frankenstein's Monster.

And the Doctor is losing control.

Some are encouraging the monster to destroy, because it fits their agenda.

Some have realized it's going too far.

But they are helpless to stop it.
Think back a few years, to the 'Occupy' protests.

Cities literally allowed groups to take over large sections. it went on for weeks, and even months.

So, why should anyone be surprised that it's happening again?
This cannot continue. It simply can't.

People rioting (and that's what has been happening) because of things that happened almost 200 years ago.

People not willing to accept responsibility for their own failings, so they attack those who they have been told are at fault.
When does it stop?

What's the end goal?

Well, for some, it's one thing.

The end of America.

And, again, not the location, but the idea and ideals.

Many literally HATE the idea and ideals we were founded on.

Even some of our elected 'leaders'.
We're approaching the edge of the abyss. Some are pushing, wanting us to go over that edge.

Some are desperately trying to get us to pull back from it, knowing what happens if we go over.

Time is running out. The closer we get to the edge, the more likely it is we go over it.
If we're not careful, America the idea and the ideals will be gone forever.

And once it's gone, it's not coming back.

We can keep working to get that 'more perfect union'

Or we can decide it was all a mistake.
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