Barcelona fans have had a stressful past few days. But that's been the case for 4 years. Shady deals, players with the wrong profile, bad manager appointments, overpaying, losing out on the best talent, a transfer ban. You name it and Barça has done it.
At the center of it are 2 men. Sandro Rosnell and Josep Maria Bartomeu. They made it their life's mission to show everyone that the path laid down by Johan Cruyff is the wrong one. They wanted to show that it can be done their way too.
Not only their stubbornness but their greed has cost this club a lot. In a year, Barça faces a fight for it's soul. We have a presidential election coming up. In my opinion this is the most important presidential election in the history of this club.
This election will decide our future not just for the next 6 years but probably for the next 10-15 years since we will have to get used to life after Messi. We have a man who has been a concrete Cryuffista, Victor Font and on the other hand the shady candidate Bartomeu puts up.
As a long time supporter it pains me to see the club we have become today and I'll be doing my best to rally support for Victor Font. To start with I plan on tweeting threads on how Bartomeu has wronged us and why Victor font is the right man for the job.
Also I will try to convince socios to vote for him. So if you know any socios on Twitter drop me their @. Also retweet this so it reaches more people. Any ideas you guys might have regarding this are appreciated so don't hesitate to tell me them.
I know all this sounds like a long shot but it's been done before. Some accounts on Twitter managed to convince journalists to vote for Leo for the ballon d'or 2019. So it's worth a try and better than doing nothing at all. Visca El Barça Visca El Catalunya.
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