Since this movement has turned from police reform in confrontations with black Americans into literally not offending anyone at anytime I want to put in a request for the offense Hollywood and the media has put upon Christians in this country
Christians are portrayed as the prudes, the villains, the dimwits, the ignorant, the callous, the vengeful, and any fault they can pin on a believer. Am I offended? Yes I am.
I’m offended when Hollywood and the media mock us or show us disdain. But do I want them cancelled? Oh absolutely not. I do want to see the wretched underbelly that humans can become. I want to use it as a tool. 3/
I see movies that portray prolifers as heartless. This gives me an opportunity to tell my story that I am the product of rape. That my 16 year old birth mother walked out of an abortion clinic and decided to give me up for adoption. I stand in stark contrast to their worldview 4/
I’m there as a testament to their barbs. Their lies. And so should you. Live like Christ. Live knowing you are a wretched creature that is not perfect and is in desperate need of a savior to redeem you. 5/
Let them see the non-perfect life you live and how you are as broken as them. That you cannot redeem yourself. Show them that YES we are hypocrites! Because all humans are!! That’s why we need christ! Not because we’re perfect but because we are shit! 6/
So I do not want them cancelled. Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord.its not my job. All things work to the glory of God. I will use it. End rant. ~end
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