“Black Venus” is now available on Netflix Canada. Instead of watching “The Help” you should watch this. It speaks on the violent history & dehuminization of black women and their bodies. It’s based on the life & story of Saartije Baartman, also known as the Venus Hottentot.
This woman’s body was taken, ridiculed, sexualized & mutilated by French “physicians.” She was put in a circus & showcased like an exotic animal. When I tell y’all what they did to black people is disgusting. It’s shit like this that remind us of the PURE evil of white supremacy.
I do want to add that this movie is very triggering & I understand my black ppl not wanting to look into this. It’s a painful part of history. This post was directed towards allies looking to educate themselves & not coddle their white fragility. It’s much realer than “the help”
Also @Wikipedia is still practicing erasure of this woman’s story by *not* mentioning the inhumane harms done to her by French Physician Georges Cuvier. There’s no mention of this on his page. They only bring up his “accomplishments.” Talk about blatant erasure. Look into this.
Finalement, pour les francophones intéressé. J’ai une page YouTube centré sur l’éducation à la sexualité où on déconstruit les sujets tabous & discute d’astuces pour relations saines. Merci ❤️

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