getting rid of toxic friends: a thread
when ur friends make jokes about you 24/7 and you tell them that it bothers you, their response shouldn’t be “ur too sensitive” and if it is then they aren’t your real friends.
if your friends discredit your feelings because they have too much pride to admit that they were wrong, then they’re not your friends.
if you’re black and your friends use the n word around you, knowing you aren’t comfortable with it, and make excuses for it because “they don’t mean it in a racist way”, then they aren’t your friend.
if your friends make you feel less than you are around your other friends, then they aren’t your real friends.
Moral of the story... evaluate the relationships in your life because if you’re not happy for yourself, then what’s the point?
if you’re friends try to pressure you into doing something that is against your morals, they’re not your friends.
if your friends only talk to you when it’s convenient for them, then they aren’t your friends.
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