Did U know. Allah is an Arabic word used to refer to God. The term is also used by Sikhs in the Sikh scriptures in reference to God. The word Allah (ਅਲਹ) is used 12 Times in the Guru Granth Sahib by Sheikh Farid. Guru Nanak, Guru Arjan and Saint Kabeer used the word 18 times.
First think “ What do you understand by Allah ? ’’ when you incur this question in mind .

If Allah is not one true lord but instead refer to a Male/Female image of Sculpture naming it as God , born or die and is not self existent than my answer is “ No’’.
Sikhs do not worship Allah but instead if Allah you are referring to is based on below mentioned Sikh principle given by our Sikh Gurus of worship than my answer is “ Yes ”.
The "God" or the "Lord of the Sikh" is uncompromisingly monotheistic, as symbolized by "Ik Onkar" (one all pervading spirit), a central tenet of Sikh philosophy. However Sikhs believe that God also prevails in everything.
The fundamental belief of Sikhism is that God exists, indescribable yet knowable and perceivable to anyone who is prepared to dedicate the time and energy to become perceptive to their persona.
The Sikh gurus have described God in numerous ways in their hymns included in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism, but the oneness of the deity is consistently emphasized throughout. God is described in the Mool Mantar, the first passage in the Guru Granth Sahib
and the basic formula of the faith is:
ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

ikk ōankār sat(i)-nām(u) karatā purakh(u) nirabha'u niravair(u) akāla mūrat(i) ajūnī saibhan(g) gur(a) prasād(i).
There is but one all pervading spirit, and it is called the truth, It exists in all creation , and it has no fear, It does not hate and , it is timeless, universal and self-existent!

You will come to know it through seeking knowledge and learning.
I would also like to mention few below names given in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji referring to God , now please understand that these different names are not of a different people but these are different names symbolizing one true lord
and is being used for appreciating and remembering the greatness, mercy ,love etc upon us ;
Akal Purakh meaning Timeless Primal Being. "Akal" stands for 'Primal, timeless' and "Purakh" stands for 'Being'
Ek Onkar meaning One Creator. "Ek" means "One"; "Onkar" means "Creator".
Satnam meaning True Name, some are of the opinion that this is a name for God in itself, others believe that this is an adjective used to describe the 'Gurmantar', Waheguru
Waheguru, meaning Wonderful Teacher, this name is considered the greatest among Sikhs, and it is known as 'Gurmantar', the Guru's Word.
Bhao Khandan meaning Destroyer of Fear
Dukh Bhanjno meaning Dispeller of Pain
Bhagat Vachhal meaning Lover of His Saints
Hari meaning Glowing, Shining, Vitalising - Absolute Name of God
Govinda meaning Preserver of the World
Bhagwan meaning Lord or Supreme being
Uppar Valah
Malik,Agumm ,Agochar ,Prabh ,Jagdeesar ,Sarnaagat ,Prit-paalak ,Swaami ,Har ,Paarbrahm,Satgur ,Dyaal ,Narayan ,Wudd-purakh and so on .

Credit: Avleen KAUR
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