In honor of @B52Malmet aka The Resister
A Tale of Two Shittys
Once, in a powerful kingdom, lived King Inadequate aka The Blatherer. The Blatherer rose through the ranks of Counts Little Marco, Lyin Ted, and Lazy Jeb to become the leader of all the lands. The Blatherer proceeded
to empty the coffers of The Lands. His Main Ally, Sir Chinly, stopped the people of The Land from change, for the better. A pall came upon the Land. A powerful Plague struck and the people looked to the Blatherer for guidance. "Fear not, for this plague will disappear. Raise the
West Wall", he cried and so they did. A more powerful plague came from the East. Lord Cuomo of the East had t most powerful citizens of The Land. Slowly, he pushed the Plague from his County. The Blatherer summoned Jesters Abbott and DeSantis. "We must bring coin to our coffers.
Assure your citizens all is well." Go forth and resume! The Jesters returned to The Blatherer two moons hence. King, our citizens are dying. They have consumed t meade of the Premature. We cannot care for them! The Blatherer sat down and schemed. "Summon Count Pence the Clueless.
I decree t Clueless will solve this plaque & I will rally our people." Alas, neither the Blatherer nor the Clueless could stop t Plague. Lord Cuomo, upon hearing t plight of the Jesters, ordered his citizens, "Close the Southern Wall". The ending of this tale has yet to be told.
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