Short Thread

Here's 1 if you don't like Trump: Listen to De Blasio and Clan Cuomo then Trump... Trump isn't Pandering for Politica Points, he's doing so with Actions you can Look up! A. Cuomo took down his EO concerning CV Patients & Nursing Homes!
Look at what Trump signed today, For Americans who are out of Jobs!!! Also, holding back Immigration, so Americans can get jobs who want and need jobs!

What did Ds in the House just do? Killed Rs version of Police Reform, for a Stupid reason!!! No Common Sense in any D member
Ds tell you "Protesting is fine, have at it!" "Going to Trump's Rally very Dangerous!" "See, new cases growing! Wear a Mask! Shut down Now!!! "Mail in Voting, to Save Lives!"

If you haven't felt poisoned? Just wait a few days! July 4th is coming!!!

End Thread
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