If "ALL THE WAY" means the judge must dismiss in each of my hypos, then you are saying the judge must dismiss even if the AUSA was bribed. Or even if DoJ cut Flynn a break because he was white. Which even your amicus brief admits would be improper. Did you read the whole post? https://twitter.com/McAdooGordon/status/1276610444254461955
I mean, I can see from your Twitter account that you are an intemperate Trump supporter, as are those who retweet you. But facts, logic, and the law still matter, no matter how intemperate you want to be. Checks and balances are part of the system, just like separation of powers.
Let's compare two screenshots, shall we? The first is from my post. The second is from your amicus brief, Ms. Gordon. I'll provide links, too, because I'm nice that way.


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