Remember, in December we released this episdoe with @jackisnotabird that will give you better context and information on why exactly we must reject what JKR is trying to do. We hope this helps clarify:
Here are some useful tweets about all this -

1/ An explainer on each of the statements in JKR’s manifesto
A great thread from @ajaromano about how this kind of thing may happen
Reaction from original HPCC Hermione @MissDumezweni
And Daniel Radcliffe
Our rejection of JKR’s position does not include condoning the abuse she suffered or the Sun’s disgusting featuring of her abuser. That is wholly separate from using a huge platform to try and boost harmful rhetoric aboit some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
We are still at [email protected] and will happily talk with anyone who is confused/needs resources.

But this is not just a differing opinion. Human rights are not opinions. Trans rights are human rights, and you can’t claim to believe that while denying trans identity.
You can follow @pottercast.
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