*My Life Timeline*


- Went to private K-8 and graduated #1

- Became proficient in piano and violin

- Competed at international level in Taekwondo

- Won multiple spelling bees (lol)

- Wow many academic awards in math, Spanish, English, and sciences

- Was insecure

- Went to boarding high school

- Published 2 papers in official science journals

- Captain of basketball team

- Inducted into Cum Laude Society

- Didn't care about success for myself but only got results for my parents

- Cared more about girls than achievements

- Went to UPenn and graduated with degrees in Neuroscience and Chemistry

- Helped start non-profit and was President of a chapter in Philadelphia

- Volunteered to tutor underprivileged high school students in spare time

- Thought I was going to become a dentist

- Became a digital entrepreneur (agency + Twitter)

- No longer insecure

- No longer living aimlessly chasing skirts

- Renewed sense of purpose for my life

- Happier and more at peace than I've ever been

- In love with learning

- Work no longer feels like work
I mapped out this timeline to show that life isn't linear.

The biggest things that changed for me were my worldview and mindset.

On paper, I had everything (I even left a lot out b/c character limitations).

I wasn't happy until I took personal responsibility over my own life.
I hope this thread does 2 things:

1. Shows you a bit more about who I am
2. Empowers you to go find out who you really are

You will never be happy living the life someone else wants you to live.

Confront life in the face and take control of it.

Take the risk... it's worth it.
You can follow @paik_michael.
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