we are not without struggles but our team took a calculated couple of weeks very far removed from social networks and our inquiries and revenue went up
we don't think this is just because of randomness but because of the deliberateness that follows when social networks aren't part of your day.

when the connection placebo is removed, we seek out the real thing
phone calls, emails, text messages, long-form writing, and our Gem Club take up more of our "connection" energy. As do family and friends and our team - both current and former
and from those networks and that community, referrals and word-of-mouth and gossip are shared. That gossip goes the furthest of all and goes most deliberately to clients.
all this has made us think - what if we had such a great marketing and communications plan and strategy that social networks weren't needed? how resilient of a business would that build knowing we're not subject to the algorithms?
and all of this has caused us to start brainstorming these same questions with our clients and friends and collaborators.

Can you be a more resilient business? If the IG algorithm or FB ad costs are THAT important to your business, you're not really in control, are you?
Just a few thoughts and observations and questions we're asking ourselves.

Enjoy your weekend. Find some refueling. Take a deep breath. Love each other.
You can follow @TheWonderJam.
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