THREAD: #JustinBieber's legal team has filed a suit against Danielle and Kadi stating they don't know their real names but they might be the same person. They need to do their homework. Presenting Kadi Chessin, aka Randee Salees:
Kadi/Randee's bio on that page says she's from Chad and has worked in India, facts she has frequently stated on Twitter and TikTok.
Danielle is not the same person as Kadi. Their language patterns are different, especially the description of the alleged assaults. Danielle is anonymous whereas Kadi has been around for years.
It really bugs me that #JustinBieber's legal team's response has been so careless. Kadi definitely met him on that night, and she didn't said afterwards that she "never" met him. Justin has a defense against the allegations without muddying the waters like this.
This part (reported in Billboard) is also false - supported "only" by texts? No, Kadi *contemporaneously* tweeted an account of that evening, and later of her and #JustinBieber's conversations.
And "fake" texts? Kadi posted the conversation she had with friend Jen the following day, and Jen has now posted a video of her side of the same conversation:
In addition to all this, Kadi first made the accusation in late 2017 (then deleted it after backlash) and as a result interacted with New Yorker writer @amandapetrusich:
Contemporaneous texts and tweets and emails are vital to establishing whether a story about long-past events is true. #JustinBieber's team are idiots to think that flat-out denying he and Kadi met that night is the way to go.
Now, of course it's plausible or likely that Justin doesn't remember meeting Kadi because he's met thousands of fans. But if his defence of the assault charge is all these erroneous "facts" in his lawsuit, he's going against the evidence - which leaves a cloud of suspicion.
I've no doubt he'll "win" the defamation regardless of the evidence. He has unlimited resources. But unless he concedes the evidence shows he did in fact meet Kadi (but didn't assault her and doesn't remember her), he's making it look like he won because he's a rich white guy.
I mean seriously, all #JustinBieber has to do is say he doesn't remember her, and point to @ItsnotKadi's social media showing she was thrilled with the encounter (whatever took place). Why she changed her mind is up to her to explain although I have my suspicions as to why.
Just wanted to add that people saying Justin wants to profit from suing don't understand how this works. If the person you sue doesn't have $10M, you're not gonna get $10M when you win the lawsuit. (Duh.)
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