Overwhelmed by politics? Hopeless?

Just want to disengage & ignore it all?

That. Is. By. Design.

One of the tools of some political parties is to make it all so repellent that you stay home & turn away.

Then the voice & vote of their base is amplified while you remain silent.
They count on the average person to not want to be mired in the ugliness, & reasonable people don’t want to be!

Your exhaustion is the goal.

Another tool: accuse others of what they themselves are.

Another: to use the trappings, the words, of decency to describe corruption.
Now, I am speaking in generalities. I’m not saying any political party you know of is engaging in these things at all.

These are just a few theoretical musings.

Theoretically, they’ll serve up repellent ideas so that ideas just a little more acceptable suddenly seem reasonable.
This is just based on some casual historical research on political parties of the past.

It’s something to watch for if it ever happens in our lifetime.
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