identitarian politics bad. universalist politics good

or something like that. I'm still working out the details
liberalism in practice has worked out to be, "let's all follow these rules and see if we can get along." it's miraculously effective until you get (large enough) intractable disagreements over the rules that you started with, and someone wants to rip 'em out and start over
there has to be a shared unifying ur-purpose that everyone is willing to prioritize, to compromise for, to sacrifice for

god dammit I can't believe I'm re-deriving civic nationalism from first principles
[galaxy brain] even without hyperbitcoinization, bitcoin is like gun-ownership but for money, in the sense that it raises the cost of fucking with you. the larger the chunk of American wealth kept out of USD, the less monetary leverage the gov't has over the citizenry
I mean that's not even galaxy brain that's the point of bitcoin
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