2/ "tobacco industry application to relax poison controls and greenlight the sale of novelty tobacco products being heavily promoted to young people in the US"

NO. This is for heated tobacco products NOT #vaping. #HTPs have been approved by the FDA.
Please learn the difference
3/ "unfounded claims about the benefits of #ecigs in smoking cessation"

NO. The evidence is very clear that vaping is more effective than other quitting aids and could significantly reduce Australia's smoking rate https://bit.ly/2Z6m804 
4/ lobbying by"tobacco and #ecig industries and other groups whose sole interest is trying to make money from #ecigs"

Actually no. @ATHRA_AU @PHAA @LegaliseVaping are solely concerned with public health and people's rights. Big Tobacco is focussed mainly on #HTPs (not vaping)
5/ “The vast majority of AU's leading health-medical organisations support the precautionary position because that’s what evidence tells us”

NO. This is a moral, paternalistic, ideological crusade against nicotine driven by a hatred of Big Tobacco, groupthink + vested interests
6/ #ecig use in young people is rising

YES BUT most #vaping is experimental & regular use by never-smokers is very rare. Vaping is diverting kids from smoking and smoking rates in US-UK are falling faster than ever. Vaping is a gateway out of smoking https://bit.ly/3g0ORKB 
7/ "lifetime #ecig use in non-smoking 18-24-y olds almost tripled"

YES BUT smoking rates in 18-24y olds are nearly flat in AU. In the US and UK where #vaping is available, smoking rates are much faster than in AU. Reducing youth smoking is the public health priority not #cig use
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