There is a rare opportunity for the UK left. Their policies are generally popular but they don't have a party willing to fight for them, or know how to work the media. Contrary to the SDP debacle, if the SCG split and formed the UK Socialist Party they have 4 years to prepare.
In this time they could build a democratic roots up party mechanism w/ open selection, find plenty of decent candidates as well as those like Pidcock waiting to return. 25 MPs could be turned into 150+ with good organisation. Core principles: Fairness, Equity, Accountability.
Stop hiding in the Labour Party and running on the treadmill, doing the work and getting the blame for a one line posthumous vindication. Lead and give people what they want, a genuine new party. Then, you win or lose it's down to you. Easier to win w/ a united party. 🤷🏼‍♂️
The Labour Party was always essentially a pressure group for the industrial age. The Conservative Party speaks to and relies on the class structure to reproduce itself as the 'natural' party of govt. It's the C21st, a socialist party cannot be tied solely to or around labour.
A socialist party has to directly challenge & overthrow a Conservative hegemony on the definition of government, economy, national success, & security. It can't do this tied to Labour's archaic paradigms of electability & bureaucracy, & it's internalisation of neoliberalism.
If this political moment has proven anything, really 'disruptive' actions gain attention and can swing the political dial. Ask Cummings & Johnson and Vote Leave. Change UK sunk b/c it was transparently a parliamentary stunt. Taking 20+ MPs from Labour wld disrupt Polidia greatly.
This would likely create a new dynamic: the remaining centrist LP likely to scorn the departees as extreme and irrelevant, out of touch etc. The SCG could respond by both dismissing it as the panic of a person suddenly naked in public, and stressing necessity for a split.
It would also allow the SCG to take lead on framing. Every time the LP issues a position or statement, SCG issue one illustrating why the LP is the weaker, poorer choice - basically Lib Dem or Tory. This is how the SCG should craft the image of the LP to voters (Lisa from HR):
Final comment. None of this has the slightest chance of happening, let alone being a success at the next elections, if Corbyn and McDonnell haven't realised the necessity for this specifically in this moment now. They must cast aside loyalty for a party that has betrayed them.
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