im sorry i didn’t answer any dms comments or texts okay you guys need to understand that YES i was on my phone but i wasn’t even checking my messages and im not going to until later, just stop worrying about me if you’re going to attack me for being online but not answering you+
like pls i know they didn’t mean to piss me off but so many people have messaged me and it’s overwhelming okay im SORRY i didn’t answer you and im sorry for tweeting before i did okay i’m SORRY i won’t tweet until i answer everyone
not only that i also had an IV on my arm and it’s really hard to type with both arms, and when i have a conversation with others i use both of my hands to type, but now im only using my left hand and it’s SO HARD just please shut the fuck up i appreciate that you care but im in
so much pain right now and i have so much shit to do to make sure i treat this correctly, your guy’s messages are the least of my worries (no offense obviously, i love u all and appreciate that so many of you care but there are other things i need to get to first)
and im only active on twitter right now because im eating, and i’ve barely been active all day. i was on my phone for like 5 mins every once in awhile because i was bored
but anyways, i’ll answer you all later and im sorry for not answering the messages or being an asshole at any point in this thread
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