#30DaysofThreads - Day 7/30

You can build a million dollar biz with 10 visitors to your website per day if you're obsessive about conversions.

In today's TedTalk I'll reveal some of the strategies I used to get there from the standpoint of one customer: Rosa!

A thread!đŸ‘‡đŸœ
Because I love predictable businesses that require no magic today we’ll be talking about a simple home cleaning business and what conversions look like from the standpoint of one potential customer...
And as usual everything I share is something I've actually done.

I built one of these businesses while knowing exactly ZERO about the industry and hit close to a million dollars in sales in less than 24 months.

This is the stuff that worked (And works across industries)
So a little backstory on our muse Rosa...
But like most people looking for simple services online...
It's the same thing over and over..
Let's get cracking, I'll get through these strategies pretty quickly.

This stuff works no matter what industry you're in.

How do I know?

Because it's the exact stuff I do every single time!

Here’s the thing, people rarely read a full paragraph online. So we keep things as light on text as possible while setting the mood with images...
STRATEGY #2 - More videos

So this one will automatically set your website apart from about 90% of your competition. Videos are super easy to make, and they completely raise the trust level on your website...

Nice lighting and an iphone is all you need.

Super duper simple yet folks ignore it.

We borrow credibility from other sites that have mentioned us that Rosa would immediately recognize, and thus immediately increase our standing in her eyes...
STRATEGY #4 - Smash Objections

So as Rosa lands on the site we want to maximize our chance that she chooses us.

So we think of the things she might find important and let her know we fit the bill..

People identify with people.

When was the last time you felt an emotional connection to gloves and a mop? Yet many service businesss post their equipment instead of their customers.

Nah, people, people, people.....

Imagine your homepage is an iceberg. The only part of your website you can guarantee people will see is the part that's sticking out of the water (before they scroll).

So why not get them into the funnel there?

Have a checkout form where you asked the customer 9 questions when it could have just been 5?

You just cut your conversion rate.

Anything we need beyond the basics we ask AFTER the conversion.

A Professionally designed, cohesive website, with good copy, and a simple process to checkout.

So while the competition is running with this: http://rcmoving.com/ 

I go with this: http://demo.themestreet.net/launch27/index6.html

Same service. More sales.
1) Customer comes to the site
2) Leaves to look for reviews
3) Never comes back.

So to avoid #3 bring reviews on site...

So this one is kind of a no-brainer, but we're looking to increase our average transaction size in any way we can.

And a surefire way is to upsell Rosa at checkout.

Say someone starts to book service, enters their email or for some reason or not they don't complete the checkout. We grab their email and automatically send them follow up emails to remind/incentivize them to complete the booking.

This is the "wait, before you leave..."

No explanation needed.
And last but not least...


Even if you're selling a one-off item, try to up-sell a monthly service package of some sort to keep that relationship alive.

What wins? Bigger discount for longer commitment levels.
Hope this shows that just throwing up a website and running ads isn't typically the path to winning.

Winning is a culmination of a bunch of tiny elements that when added together makes your conversions insane!

When I show conversion rates for some of my sites folks are like...
And I"ll wrap this up real quick with this:

Many of you dropped $50K -$100K on college without blinking an eyelid, and came out of college not having the first idea how to actually earn a living that is not dependent on having a boss.

And I know this because, this was...
But somehow the idea of $500 to start your own business with a chance to fully control your lives instills a fear of failure that ends up being crippling.
You probably paid $2k to Comcast in the past 6 months anyhow. 😭
By the way, the reality of business for me wasn't launch a business and win!

It was launch, fail, launch, fail, launch, fail, win, win, win.

What happened with all of those failures? I got better, learned a lot and now wins come a lot easier.

Not easy. But easier.
So for $500 I end up learning a shit ton more than I learned in 4 years and $100K at college.

And that's the win.
BTW if you found value follow the kid for more!
Also starting in August I"ll be showing a bunch of people how to build these businesses, if you want to get on board, sign up here:


And to show this is real stuff...
You can follow @rohangilkes.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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