I see all these threads showing up asking for WWDC to stay remote. And I get a lot of the arguments. But I also disagree. Thread... (1/5)
On-site WWDC always was the highlight of my year as a 3rd party developer. I made it a non-negotiable thing in interviews for my employer to pay for this. And I most certainly would not be where I am right now if I wouldn’t have done that. (2/5)
I am an introvert, I don't just go up to people and talk to them. I hate it. But I got better at it, and it helped me get better at my job. I also made many friends this way at WWDC and I think it made me better at interacting with other people in general. (3/5)
I also came back from every WWDC super motivated. More motivated than I ever could be by watching videos at home. This motivational boost often lasted until 2 or 3 month before the next WWDC, where I struggled to get work done, and then the next WWDC came along! (4/5)
It is a huge privilege that I was able to attend WWDC so many times, I get that. And I get that many people can't afford that. I don't claim I have an answer to this or other problems. My point is just that moving it to a full online experience can't be the solution either. (5/5)
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