sorry but i am fucking OVER the discourse that men are gross and if youre bi being attracted to men is just an unfortunate reality. its not bad to be attracted to men and you dont need to make people feel bad for wanting to date them
it doesnt help that these same people typically try to imply trans men and nb ppl are just women in a funny hat so theyre not as bad like no. theyre not women, were not women, if it makes u feel weird to be attracted to me thats not my problem
if YOU have issues with people being attracted to men just take it up in therapy bc the lgbt community is not the time or the place to start making out certain types of attraction as wrong or bad. unless it is literally ethically wrong (yknow, pedos, incest)
additionally, if ur cis and u think ur justified in saying 'oh i only date trans men bc they arent as bad as cis men' i need u to understand gross ppl exist in every group under the sun and ur just continuing to imply trans men arent real men
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