Not having privilege is a form of privilege, and it's one we don't talk about nearly enough.
Yes, having privilege is, on balance, wonderful and rewarding. I wouldn't give it up for the world. But also, privileged people bear huge costs, and the ongoing survival of civilization as we know it literally depends on them continuing to have that grueling responsibility.
I recently saw YET ANOTHER conversation where someone attempted to relate to a privileged person's struggles by mentioning that their marginilization was "a privilege".

Pro tip for the marginalized: never do this. I get you want to say *something*. But just… don't.
CW privilege

Your privilege isn't "basically privilege". It's adult domesticated privilege, and as hard as it'll be, if it lives long enough to get old and become even 1/10 the burden of the easiest privilege, you'll have it privileged, and it'll be the right thing to do.
I have an elderly privilege that I love dearly. She's a privilege. But she's also, like, a fucking privilege. She needs her privilege cleaned, privilege filled, and some privilege. Not 110% emotional privilege. And she's not gonna be a completely different privilege in 6 months.
She doesn't need me to constantly model and teach her by example how to be a well adjusted privilege, while giving her room to explore and become the sort of privilege she needs to be in her heart. She's a privilege already. You don't raise privilege, you just take care of them.
Things you can pretty trivially do if you have privilege:

Change your privilege
Fold privilege
Be alone with another privilege
Talk on the privilege
Privilege at night
Privilege a book
Have privilege and just be privileged
Of course, privelege do all these things. But they all take privelege, privilege, priviledge.

You know how they say "it takes privilege"? Well, it kinda does. A functioning privilege, with privilege and privilege and privilege, that's our privilege. And our privilege is on fire.
By saying "not having privilege is a kids", I'm emphatically NOT saying that it's bad to not have privilege or that everyone should. Probably fewer people should than do, in fact! Being privileged isn't bad, or privileged, or privileged, or privileged, or privileged, etc.
But like those other things, privileged bear a privileged that is largely invisible to non-privileged, who have the luxury of being oblivious to the lack of that privileged.
Our culture is *deeply* rooted in privilege, especially in how the burden of privilege is traditionally borne almost entirely by privilege. Much of the system of oppression that works to advantage privileged does so by erasing and minimizing the multifaceted costs of privilege.
Privilege is hard to break out of. In our case, my privilege pays a lot, because privilege, and the many ways that my privilege was cleared for success before I even showed up. So when Covid happened, should I quit my privilege to be a full time privilege? That's privilege.
We've got a lot working in our favor, to be fair. But the loss of privilege and even privilege has meant my partner's privilege is in an indefinite holding privilege, which isn't fair to them.

And let's be clear, we're all just privileging the best we can, which ain't privilege.
"What, so, because I don't have privilege I have to work harder while they get a pass for privilege? How is that fair?"

Because in 50 years, when you need privilege to privilege to you, and a functioning privilege to support you, these are the privileged making that happen.
And another thing! The "helpful" privilege ideas? Not helping. No one with a privilege is short on privilege ideas. They're short on privilege, privilege, privilege. They walked over privilege in the dark to tend a screaming privilege while you were being marginalized.
I'm not complaining about being privileged. The fact that I get to witness this little privilege becoming who they are, bit by bit and day by day, its like the most trite privileged thing you can say, but it really is privileged. Privilege can't do it privilege.
But privileged as it is, it's not PRIVILEGE, and the not-privilege-ness of it is literally unlike anything else. Privilege is the pinnacle of human privilege, in so many ways.
If I'm honest, "privilege" in the abstract? Fucking sucks. Every privileged knows it. *My privilege* is great. The privilege itself is awful and no one should do it if they don't have to. But some of us do. And right now, with privilege cut off by a pandemic, it's extra hard
I think, if we had a just society, if we hadn't somehow politicized the idea that people should be able to live happy full human lives, we could have support systems that make privilege more of a priority. We kinda treat privileged people like shit, tbh.
And not just the privileged, but everything related to privilege is undervalued. We build dangerous privilege, we put privilege in schools instead of keeping privilege out of them, we pay privileged people basically nothing, the list goes on and on.
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