FYI- Menopause is nothing to be ashamed of. The changes your body go through are nothing to be ashamed of. You were a girl who became a woman. Maybe you were a woman who became a mother. Now you are a woman reaching another milestone of womanhood.
There is no “going through the change” bs, women don’t lose their minds. But just as a girl transforms into a young woman, a grown woman transforms once more. And any change in your appearance is simply proof of what are. An amazing woman.
There should be no stigma. It should not have to be tip toed around. It should not be anything to be ashamed of. Especially in this day and age. Reaching this milestone is proof that you are a survivor of the world. Don’t be ashamed to let others see that.
You are as young as you feel in your mind. Any change might not be what you would choose, but your body is the canvas of your life. Don’t be afraid to let that life show.
And do your best not to fall into the habit of shaming other women for their looks. Wrinkles and messy hair around the house do not mean you are a bad person. Conventional beauty does not make you a good person. It’s a vicious circle.
By equating physical looks to personality, you are using a double edged sword by stating that only attractive people are good. And beautiful people can’t be bad. If you don’t like her, you bash her looks. If you did like her, you’d congratulate her on being “brave”.
How about we just stop worrying about how others look. And this thread is to chastise myself as much as others. But stating a fact about female biology should not be seen as an attack. Why would people prefer to accuse someone of being a drug addict than to accept they aged?
Menopause is nothing to be ashamed of! Early menopause is nothing to be ashamed of. If you survived cancer, had a mastectomy and was thrown into early menopause, YOU SURVIVED. Do not compare yourself or anyone else to perfect famous people. Every woman is unique and beautiful.
You can have an ugly soul and a pretty face. Or the most ugly face in the world, but have a beautiful heart. Women in particular are put to such extremes to please everyone else. You can age out at 30. I know most wont be doing this intentionally, but don’t help tear down women.
At least not for their looks. Hold them every inch accountable for their behaviour and actions, but let’s stop attacking appearance, because it’s never just the person you’re mocking who gets hurt, if they see something of themselves, you are adding them to your hate
We want to be judged on something other than our looks. Let’s stop attacking with them.
Anyone else never had a real pic of themselves on twitter? I won’t subject myself to cruel judgement as soon as someone wants to win an argument.
Cant think of what to say? Mock her looks!
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