Doing a thread of Old LGBT Women artists because I feel like it.
Thelma Woods (1901-1970)
She was a Lesbian sculptor and silverpoint artist. She was this Lesbian Casanova. Accounts have described her as "boyish-looking", standing almost 6 feet tall, and "sexually magnetic" 🥵
Harriet Hosmer (1830-1908)
She’s apparently the FIRST pro female sculptor. Her work was primarily neoclassical. She also designed machines, pioneering a mechanical process for turning limestone into marble. For 25 years she was romantically involved with Louisa, Lady Ashburton
Nora Houston (1883-1942)
American painter, women's rights advocate, and suffragist. Working on suffrage movements in Virginia, she used her artistic skills to design signs, pamphlets, and parade floats to help the league raise awareness about women's suffrage.
Anna Elizabeth Klumpke (1856-1942)
A portrait/genre painter known for her portraits of famous women. She had a romance with Rosa Bonheur that lasted until the painters death. She was named as the sole heir to Bonheur's estate, and used the money to start an art school for women
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