This! So much this!

I remember days where I would secretly throw out the homecooked lunch my mom packed for me for school simply because I didn't want my friends making fun of me for my food! I was ok with starving myself before being considered uncool cause of who I am.
If I wanted to fit in, if I wished to not be ostracized by my peers, then it meant I must bury my Indianess.

I had to hide my culture, my religion, my parents, my everything, and become this new person who's only a shell of who he's supposed to be.
The number of "terrorist" jokes that I let pass for fear of being unfriended, to the point where I started to joke about myself as such just to get them to laugh.

Or start using the shitty Simpsons Appu Indian accent (done by a white man) to get people to laugh
I still remember when one of my friend's mom didn't let them come to my home because the one time she visited, she said "it smells so strongly of curry" and she didn't want her son to smell like that!

I began to hate that smell too cause of it.
Or when a girl in 10th grade asked me if it's true that Indians had the smallest dicks following Asians, and I became self-conscious about my penis size and lost confidence in ever approaching girls cause I thought I wasn't big enough, I wasn't good enough.
Or when one of my "friends" made fun of me for being vegetarian and decided to mess with me by hiding a piece of meat in my meal when I wasn't looking, and nearly pissed himself laughing when I looked on in horror for accidentally eating it.
I have stories after stories to tell. SO many times that built on each other, forcing me to blast the part of me that made me unique to oblivion.

It took me all the way after getting out of the Navy, at the age of 24, and moving back with my parents to start accepting myself.
And now, motherfucker, you're gonna get all the Indian inside me! This is me, this is who I am!

I love my American side too, I've come to accept it, but goddamn anyone who wants to shame me for my Indian side.
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