We don't even know WHY Dr. Disrespect was banned, yet all the threads are, "Dr. Disrespect got banned but not Alinity!" The guy could have done literally anything, but people find it necessary to drag a woman down for crimes before admitting fault to a man's. Unreal.
You may not like Alinity, you are entitled to your opinion, but hold men accountable. Whatever the reason for Doc's ban is entirely separate from your feelings about Alinity. If you are unable to separate them before receiving info about Doc's ban it's because you are sexist
The double standard on Twitch is real, I'm not negating that. You are allowed to be upset and express that rage. All I'm saying is wait for all the information to be released before making your comparisons and outrage. That's it. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others ☮️
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