#ADHD isn’t just about attention issues or extra energy.

It’s about losing your phone 4 times in 10 minutes.

It’s about setting an item down and immediately forgetting that it exists.

It’s about losing stuff more often than anyone else you know.

#ADHD isn’t just about attention and hyperactivity.

It’s about nearly forgetting your S.O.’s birthday because your brain doesn’t process when a new month starts.

Could be because you avoid looking at calendars.

Could be because you can never keep track of what day it is.

#ADHD isn’t just about attention and hyperactivity.

It’s about how you haven’t returned anything to a store in years. Years.

Maybe you lost the receipt.

Or can’t find where you put the item.

Or didn’t realize it’d been 30 days.

Or you DID remember but just... couldn’t.

#ADHD isn’t just about attention and hyperactivity.

It’s about being told “be yourself,” then getting criticized for not being more like others.

They don’t want you to be you.

They expect you to be like them.

You’re not.

And they can’t even hide their disappointment.

#ADHD is hearing to the same shitty advice on repeat, from people who don’t understand.

“ADHDers have a hard time with routines, so good routines are super important!”

“ADHDers struggle to take care of themselves, so practicing good self-care is super important!”

Cool, thanks.
#ADHD is hearing people you care about say things like:

“How many times do I have to tell you?”

“Why can’t you do anything right?”

“Are you even listening to me?”

“It feels like you’re doing this on purpose.”

“It was stupid of me to think this time would be different.”
#ADHD is hearing people tell you:

“You don’t seem to have a hard time focusing on _____.”

“If you cared, you’d do it.”

“We JUST talked about this.”

“I don’t want to hear excuses.”

“I can’t trust you to actually do what you say.”

“Whatever. Just forget it. I’ll do it.”

#ADHD is hearing teachers tell you:

“You need to stop distracting others.”

“Are you paying attention?”

“You’ve done it before, so I know you can do it.”

“You’d be such a great student if you’d just apply yourself more.”

“It’s sad to see so much potential go to waste.”

#ADHD is hearing loved ones tell you:

“I don’t feel like I’m asking for much.”

“This isn’t that hard.”

“How many times do I have to remind you?”

“I JUST cleaned this room, how do you always manage to make it messy again so fast?!”

#ADHD is hearing loved ones say:

“That’s no excuse for laziness.”

“I’m tired of always having to nag you about this.”

“I feel like a broken record.”

“I shouldn’t have to do everything myself.”

“There’s no way you forgot, you just didn’t want to.”

“Do you even care?”

#ADHD is hearing loved ones say:

“It’s called being an adult.”

“Nobody likes _____, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do it.”

“How can you live in this mess?”

“If you put everything back in its place, you wouldn’t lose stuff.”

“It’s not that hard to be on time.”

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