1) Monetization of volunteerism - this will create unusual dynamics, re-brand volunteerism and blurs the line as to what qualifies as underpaid employment.
2) Logistical issues with timing - given the time it will take to be considered in this process, post opportunities, recruit volunteers and the time left before school starts again and volunteers are truly available, will students truly be able to maximize this benefit?
3) Canada Summer Jobs rejections - many organizations had their applications turned down when trying to create actual meaningful paid summer jobs at minimum wage or higher.
4) Lack of transparency of decision-making for a transaction that is very large - no tender, minimal consultation (at least what is being perceived), only one organization actually seeming to be considered.
5) Lack of transparency as to funding arrangement - while stated that no profits will be made, with a transaction this large, it should be clear the model that is in place using public funds.
6) Conflict of interest given current relationships - this isn't my main issue here as many charities, especially large ones, have wide-reaching relationships so it doesn't mean WE shouldn't be considered, but taken in light of 4) and 5), this is worth noting.
7) Selection of WE as the charity partner - not as much my issue although others have been critical, it is something that is surfacing as to why WE when there are other charities that have frameworks/infrastructure to at least be considered.
This is what I've heard so far. I believe there are others.
8) Consolidating rather than encouraging collaboration - a network partnership of organizations with this skill set may have been a better route
9) Lack of meaningful volunteer opportunities / pressure on charities to create these - https://twitter.com/ainsleychapman/status/1276697067159801856?s=19
10) Not leveraging existing national framework of volunteer centres (ED of @VolunteerTO) https://twitter.com/schenker_j/status/1276824696420536321?s=19
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