1) So here's a thing that makes me insane about the criminal justice system. Today I read a criminal complaint about a 19-year-old homeless kid who was found skateboarding inside a high school. A janitor saw him. The kid ran. The janitor called police
2) Police find find kid nearby and arrest him. Kid tells cops he loves to skateboard. That he wanted to take some video of himself skateboarding in the closed school and put it on Instagram. He walked in to school through an open garage door, thought it would be okay to be inside
3) He also told the cops he had been homeless for three years. He took some food from a staff lounge when he was in the school. In the kid's backpack, cops found 2 bottles of water, a bottle of Gatorade, Doritos, a cup of sliced pears, some packages of oatmeal.
4) The figured he took $16 worth of snacks and water, all of which was returned unopened to the school. The school signed a complaint. The hungry homeless kid spent the night in jail, and then was charged with felony burglary and theft
5) Felony burglary for skateboarding in a public building, damaging nothing, and taking some water and oatmeal, which was returned.
6) I looked up the kid's criminal history. He doesn't have one. I found his social media - it's almost entirely pictures and videos of him skateboarding, including another video of him skateboarding in another school
7) There's one photo on his social media of him smiling, saying he was happy because he was able to get ice cream that day
8) Ultimately, given the way things work, this kid will not get convicted of that felony. It will end up with some misdemeanor plea and probation. Probation that will likely be really hard to complete successfully as homeless kid with no support system
9) And, it will probably take months and months to get to that resolution, all of that time with prosecutors getting paid to prosecute him, public defenders to defend him, court officials to oversee the whole thing, followed by probation officers overseeing whatever comes next
10) All of which will cost thousands of dollars. For something that could have been resolved with "holy shit, you poor kid, lets buy you a sandwich and set up you with some social services." It's infuriating and it breaks my heart
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