I have serious concerns with the charter amendment proposed today. There are critical questions that demand answers.

It’s still unclear whether we’re asking voters to abolish the police, or if this proposal includes officers. http://strib.mn/2Zrc16z 
Under this proposal is Chief Arradondo still in charge of public safety? Or would he be demoted and answer to 14 officials?

If there are still police, how will this proposal move us toward structural reform? How would renaming or rebranding policing advance those reforms?
The one thing we do know: this deals a blow to accountability for policing in our city. Presently our residents know who to hold accountable – the mayor, for better or worse. This proposal sets the stage for finger-pointing in times of crisis and confusion at the ballot box.
Two years ago, a handful of council members proposed a similar amendment to require the Chief to answer to 14 different elected officials. We should listen when our chief provides feedback, and back then he stated that this would make his job more difficult.
We need change, but residents also need clarity from their elected leaders & a viable path forward. I favor full-scale public safety transformation & a complete culture shift in our police dept. Let’s be clear in both purpose and intention. Let’s move that hard work fwd together.
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