Here are some FAQ about The Fuck It Diet, twitter thread style
"Are you saying to just eat anything I want? Isn't that bad for me?"

After you've been dieting or yo-yo dieting for a while, food cravings can feel really out of control. This is totally normal. We are wired to fixate on food, especially after dieting.
"But I don't even restrict that much?"

Even a little bit of restriction can make your appetite feel out of control. Also, we tend to think we need less than we do.
"I'm pretty sure I'm a food addict, is The Fuck It Diet / Intuitive Eating really for me?"

Yes, most dieters feel like food addicts, because restriction (even just perceived restriction) wires us to feel addicted to food.
"Isn't weight gain unhealthy??"

No, not inherently. And often dieting it's usually a necessary part of healing, no matter what body size you have.
"Doesn't eating whatever you want and gaining weight cause diabetes?"

That's a harmful over simplification. Diabetes is genetic and there are many factors that go into developing it - stress being one of the biggest contributing factors.
Thin people and people with "healthy diets" can develop T2 diabetes. One thing that's seen to exacerbate insulin resistance is weight cycling, which is directly exacerbated by....dieting, & also leads to future weight gain. Best to focus on sustainable habits, not weight.
"What about emotional eating?"

Dieting & guilt around food makes food a better "drug." You are more chemically rewarded for eating when you are dieting, restricting, and have arbitrary off-limits foods - that's what exacerbates emotional eating in the 1st place.
"What about food allergies and celiac?"

Don't eat food that you're allergic to...
"Isn't sugar addictive?"

No! Though, we are wired to feel and act addicted when we are underfed or have a history of food scarcity, dieting, or erratic eating.

Sigh. I'm not telling you do to anything. But you deserve to know that a lot of the sugar hysteria is ... hysteria.
I'm just a girl (ugh, WOMAN) who used to believe she was a food addict, and was constantly binge eating, and constantly trying to religiously stick to diets, who now sees it for what it is: the biggest scam of all time.
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