★ — questions to answer if you're bored (and to help people learn more about you!)
1. first and foremost, what are your pronouns and what's your preferred name?
2. what's your sexuality? it's fine if you're unsure, nobody needs a label. just be who you are!
3. do you have any pets? what are their names?
4. who are you most grateful for?
5. how many relationships have you been in?
6. do you have any allergies?
7. what do you believe in religion-wise?
8. what's something people usually assume about you that isn't true?
9. what has prevented you from loving yourself?
10. do you have a low self-esteem, or are you confident in yourself?
11. what do you do to cope with anger or sadness?
12. what or who makes you happy?
13. what is your biggest regret?
14. if you could go back in time and stop something from happening, what would it be?
15. if you had a superpower, what would it be?
16. given the choice, would you be a hero or a villain? why?
17. any mental illnesses you want your followers to be aware of?
18. what do you wish you knew when you were younger?
19. what's the biggest lie you've told yourself?
20. do you love your family, or do you wish you had a different one?
21. do you have any fears?
22. do you consider yourself and introvert, ambivert, or an extrovert?
23. do you think you're attractive?
24. do you believe in santa?
25. what do you love about yourself?
26. what do you hate about yourself?
27. do you wish you were born in a different time?
28. do you like your given name, or do you hope to legally change it?
29. what's your favorite color?
30. what's your favorite animal?
31. what's your favorite movie?
32. what's your favorite tv show?
33. do you like anime?
34. do you like reading?
35. do you draw? drop some art you're proud of!
36. do you like writing? do you think you're good at it? drop some of your works!
37. do you feel comfortable with your body, or do you want to look different?
38. do you like school?
39. do you like being around people, or do you prefer to be alone?
40. what makes you happy? is it a person, place, or thing?
41. do you have a favorite song?
42. do you prefer cats or dogs?
43. what's a bad habit of yours?
44. do you prefer being outside or inside?
45. what do you want to be when you're older? or, what's your dream job?
46. do you have a job? do you like it, or do you wish to find another?
47. do you like animals?
48. do you have trouble sleeping?
49. do you like talking, or do you feel it takes up too much energy?
50. do you want to get married?
51. sex before or after marriage? why?
52. do you want to have kids?
53. do you think you're a mean person?
54. do you drink?
55. what is one thing you want to do before you die?
56. do you have a crush on anybody?
57. have you ever kissed someone?
58. do you hate someone? why?
59. do you believe in heaven and hell?
60. do you have any spiritual beliefs?
61. what are you afraid to tell other people?
62. do you keep secrets, or do most people know everything about you?
63. are you easy to read?
64. do you fake your happiness as to not worry others?
65. when did you last cry?
66. do you get angry easily?
67. do you cry easily?
68. what are you most insecure of?
69. do you wish you were born a different gender?
70. have you ever dyed your hair?
71. do you feel safe in your own home?
72. what are some unpopular opinions of yours?
73. do you support trump?
74. do you have any siblings?
75. are you a morning person?
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