I talked to folks, wrote emails, networked, spoke out during covid19 lockdown to keep the safe streets we had then from disappearing into a morass of traffic. Today, I was hit (I am ok) at Dundas & Wellington by a car who veered intentionally to hit me.
This same driver then sped westward through two red lights, pulled around on the sidewalk to turn around and then parked illegally. At what point do we stop patting ourselves on the back for a damn racetrack in the middle of our downtown???
As I chased after this car to get his license plate so I could report him, I saw three other cars parked illegally on @DundasPlace. One was a BMW convertible that parked for ONE hour across from Fanshawe. How does a car parked on the sidewalk for ONE hour not get noticed???
Honestly, just stop saying you care about bike riders, pedestrians and people on accessibility devices. Just ADMIT you love cars. And that the rising VRU incidences are not a problem. I am sure if you ignore it long enough it will go away.
To close: Each one of these citizens contributed to #ldnont. If each of these people contributed merely 1 million each (very low), they amount to $27 million lost. Lost taxes, lost GDP, lost to families (priceless). #sad
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