don’t say the n slur if you’re not black.
don’t say the f slur if you’re not a gay man.
don’t say the r slur if you dont have a disability.
don’t say the d slur if you’re not a lesbian.
don’t say the t slur if you’re not transgender.

don’t say slurs if you can’t reclaim them.
it’s not that fucking hard. there is no need to say these words. no. need.

if you disagree and are not able to reclaim these slurs, i don’t want to hear your opinion. don’t hesitate to unfollow or block me if this bothers you that much.
you can’t tell people how to feel about words that have been used against them, as they’re not “just words”, they have a lifetime of history tied to them. they’re not “just words”, they are derogatory and offensive.
i don’t care what you think. if a black person tells you not to say the n word, dont say it. if a lesbian tell you not to say d***, don’t fucking say it.

it’s not that hard. check your fucking privilege.
the fact people cant grasp something this fucking simple makes me so angry.
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