I, in the Year Of Our Lord 2020, have purchased a second hand 2DS XL because I want play Bravely Default and Kid Icarus again and the circle pad on my 3DS is broken. So guess what, it's time for BRAVELY DEFAULT SPAM THREAD
I got chills watching the intro cutscenes. Airy's number 7, the AR thing as silly as it is, introducing all the characters, the music... yes, god, give it all to me
BD is probably one of the few games where I actively miss the 3D effect in some parts. Most of the time in most games it's fine enough but the hand drawn towns are one of the few things made unambiguously better by it. Ah well, I knew what I was getting.
aaaahhhh i love this game, i love these characters. Obviously the four Heroes of Light are great (Ringabel can be annoying but the Edea and Agnès constantly call him out so it's fine), but even the one note NPC's like Barras and Holly are humourous and/or have hidden depths
More games should have Bravely's freedom with difficulty settings. Being able to disable exp and money gains means you can e.g. grind money for equipment without overlevelling; being able to adjust encounter rates makes the game a lot less punishing than it might otherwise be
"blessed is the person who is needed by someone else"

this game has so many great lines, and so many of them are hidden away in easily miss-able party chat conversations
might be telling on myself with how little variety of media i consume here, but i'm not sure i've ever seen the world "philanderer" used anywhere other than jrpgs
there are two straight people with rights and their names are tiz arrior and agnès oblige
just "awoken" the first crystal.

The boss was a pain - blazzard and hellfire can hit the whole party like a truck but once a few characters have survived to 3BP each head goes down like paper, especially if you use special moves.
now to watch some cutscenes with the amazing over the top childish villainy of Khamer VIII and then kill him in the side quest.

I've learnt in other games that buffs and debuffs are actually good and not a waste of time so hopefully that holds true here
The contrivances around Ringabel and Alternis not interacting until The Reveal are basically fine, I'm only noticing it because I know. But Edea not recognising Ringabel is weird, she says her and Alternis grew up together. Was he wearing a helmet his whole childhood?
Airy's quest can't have gone completely the same every time - basically some of the time she manages to badger Angès into awakening the Water Crystal before searching for Olivia and that's why she's so pushy with it. This is old hat by now, the sooner the better.
This could also be why she lets a newcomer to her game in Ringabel join the group, to keep things fresh for her. Or it's to keep an eye on him. Either way, if Airy didn't want him around it would have been easy to sow doubts about a skirt-chasing amnesiac with a prophetic diary
I wasn't expecting a boss fight on the way back to Yulyana woods... Fights are a lot tougher when everyone runs out of MP halfway through
Fiore DeRosa? More like Fiore DeRedPill
every same-sex friendship in fiction is improved by making it romantic.

on that note, how much edea x einheria fanfic is there. i imagine a lot.
mmmmmm i love noticing hints at Airy being evil on this replay. Agnès said that Olivia was always more knowledgeable and smarter than her, and when she sees Airy she doesn't know what Awakening the crystals means and doesn't know what a cryst-fairy is
It took me like seven tries to defeat Rusalka (some of them were Time Slip repeats). She's really tough until you stack water resist on everyone and bring a black mage or two with Thundara
I know there's some stylisation between characters and character models, but I refuse to believe Zatz is not part rat. He has a snout!
drink every time Victor says "Just so, Victoria. Just so"
why is Victoria on the Council of Six? Like I know she's a very powerful magic user, but she's also sadistic to the core and both mentally & physically unstable

Kamiizumi is a master tactician, old friend of Braev, and teacher of the heir apparant. Why is he not on the Council?
lmao, just realised Braev Lee = Bravely.

On that note, Edea Lee = Ideally (Idealistic?). Ringabel = that rings a bell, obviously. Tiz Arrior = this warrior? Agnès Oblige, well Oblige is just the word "oblige" pronounced differently.

Some of this is a stretch, I admit
I am playing in hard mode so maybe this should be expected, but the Automata in Grapp Keep are punishing me hard. I can manage to fell one of them before they buff themselves but after that it's like one or two Rocket Punches and most of the party is KO'd
love me some ludonarrative dissonance. I believe in the story the party went straight from the mythril mines to Starkfort to rescue Egil, but while playing I went back to Hartschild to heal up, then defeated Qada, back to Hartschild again, and then finally Egil.
I find it slightly weird how everyone always calls it "Commander Goodman's residence" instead of his house or mansion or some other more commonly used word than "residence"
Tiz's actor's delivery of the line "show some respect for the dead, Ringabel" in the ninja asterisk subplot is so funny.
9:38 in this video.
lmao i love how the (inexplicably nameless) grandship tavern proprietress is like
I've heard how you're on a quest to save the world and have pretty much single-handedly defeated the Swordbearers, but you're still too young for liquor!
bitch this is the fantasy middle ages with steampunk elements, legal drinking age doesn't matter. even if it did, this is the western release where everyone was aged up a couple of years because, errr, having a 16-year-old Edea in the bravo bikini is Not Good.
the Nemeses fight music is really good, it's just a shame that all the ones in my village are level 99 and I'm like level 52
Post-Eisenburg is a really fun part of the game. The five jobs you unlock are all really good and/or have synergies with each other or previously unlocked abilities and I feel clever when I put them together.
Ninja's utsusemi works well woth evasion-based support abilities
Swordmaster and Pirate like each other, at the moment with Provoke and Counters, later iirc there's a combo that breaks the game
Salve-maker and Performer both make your healer/support character better
oh no, am i going to make 3 houses-sonas of the heroes of light now?

eh, maybe. I did it for the octopath characters and like half of them wouldn't be students

also I say "make" but I can't art, so it's more just decide on proficiencies and create personal skills
braev and mahzer lee cancelled by twitter for a problematic age gap, you hate to see it, smh
i wish tiz arrior was real, & also my boyfriend
i can't justify having freelancer as the secondary job on anyone anymore, thank the lord for internet guides to tell me bosses' weaknesses
so much of this story would be resolved if people would've just talked to each other. like, everyone involved is largely reasonable (even if stubborn). but then we wouldn't have the game, like the stubbornness and the clashing ideals is kind of the point
the party chat right after defeating Braev is great. The four of them are discussing the prophecies of D's journal, Edea is like hmm there are two men madly in love with me (Ringabel and Alternis?), but neither of them could have written it.
As soon as Agnès says it doesn't matter who wrote it, we need to press on, Airy jumps in and is like Yes!! Stop discussing this journal that hints at my own evil! Move forwards.

Ringabel existing really screwed up Airy's plot
The dragons to get into vampire castle are pretty fun imo. They don't have a lot of variety but they hit like a truck - without a strategy you'll be pulverised. For me, Tiz is using utsusemi, Agnès spreading spiritmaster element immunities, Edea is valkyrie jumping out the way
why are the special outfits from Norende so EXPENSIVE
Just defeated Gigas Lich and awakened the Earth Crystal. Undead bosses in this game are weird in that your healer suddenly becomes your best attacker but they're still needed to heal, especially when the enemy is insta-killing a bunch of people with Death
anyway, off to DeRosso'a castle for the vampire asterisk before all the enemies change and I'm locked out of a bunch of abilities
DeRosso talking about the formation of the Orthodoxy and the conflict against the Adventists/Old Faith... It's basically just describing reforming a pagan religion in Crusader Kings 2.
now he's essentially telling us about the Fourth Crusade - multi-national coalition sacked the capital of a country that basically believed the same thing
JRPGs and their obsession with Catholicism and the history of the Catholic Church, you gotta love it
Vampire Castle is a really gruelling dungeon. I think it's longer than anything I've seen so far, and in Chapter 4 the enemies are so much harder than what's outside.

DeRosso himself is no pushover, but once I learnt his patterns and boosted the agility of my healer it's fine
With the lore/story/hints given in the paintings it really should be Chapter 5+, but that locks you out of a bunch of vampire abilities until the very end. Oh well.
Ayyyy I've defeated Alternis and crossed to the other side of the Holy Pillar, now to watch how Airy actually worms her way out of blame, at least to start with
I've said it before in this thread but I'll say it again:

there are two (2) straight people with rights and their names are Tiz Arrior and Agnès Oblige.
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