I’m not getting into twitter drama at my big age, especially not with other girls, but can I just say: when there is solid proof and screenshots of a 28 year old texting a 20 year old very sexual things, when there’s proof the same person (c)
texting an 18 year old (and multiple young girls) when they were 25 saying it was ‘shame you haven’t seen my dick’ (among other things) and actively trying to persuade girls to go on dates with you when you’ve been told no multiple times but still won’t stop
When there are literal screenshots and proof of this, pls don’t make it out like girls are overreacting or lying or being petty. I’ve spoken to a few girls and we all said we don’t feel like victims but we were all left feeling really uncomfortable
by this man, some aged under 20.
punch ur local rapist, ur local nazi and ur local man in his late 20s chasing after young girls, as recently as last year
and this isn’t cancel culture this is calling out grown men on being absolute creeps
sorry I’ll stop after this but it’s not the girls fault for being freshly 18 and being chuffed an older guy finds you attractive. I liked the attention but I was also aware that this man was several years older than me and it’s only in the last 2-3 years
I realized how messed up it was. I’m embarrassed for my past self but I’d be more embarrassed if I was going into detail with my sexts to an 18 year old aged 25
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