This @SommCon event just started and I’m here! An all black panel taking on the wine industry.

Come join y’all 💜🙌🏿
. @DWSHglobal kicks us off defining micro aggressions.

Powerful level set in helping frame some of the issues that attack us as Black folks in the industry.
I appreciate the opportunities Deniece Bourne highlights that xome from @WSETglobal. You can gain certifications and become a teacher y’all.
People sleep on @_cabrenae! She mentions overcompensation as a response to the microaggressions in her workplace.

How many of us have to show we are OVER qualified in order to stand “equal” with non Black coworkers?
The insult is multifold when White people talk about how “articulate” their Black colleagues are. The perceived proximity to whiteness is an anchor of safety that White people use against us. But they are wrong. We are Black, and can be successful by being our authentic selves.
Does anyone here in beverage, Black or Brown, have a mentor?

I know I don’t. @SommCon
I agree with you @niquesomm there’s always more leaders can do, but let’s not forget about the extra burdens you carry being a Black person in the industry. It’s hard to take on mentorship when work can often have those additional pain points.
I am curious about how the pledge @DWSHglobal spoke about. She developed a way to hold brands accountable at: 
I appreciate @WineauxDLynnP call-to-action! My only comment is it doesn’t need to be gradual — we can engage inclusive practices with companies willing to make deep and drastic changes. ✨✊🏿
. @niquesomm asks: How do you attract Black talent? HOW DO YOU MAKE BLACK PEOPLE FEEL COMFORTABLE AT THEIR JOB?

First answer, @oenorific says first you hire Black people when you know where to find them. Diversify your recruiting!

I love that.
. @_cabrenae asks, who are you sending to hire Black and other POCs?
IMO, give us a position with real substantive opportunities.

Value and center OUR opinions.
Thank you @niquesomm and @_cabrenae, it is absolutely the full ecosystem of Black professional inclusion. 🔄

✔️Hire us and pay fairly (inclusion)
✔️Include and promote us in meaningful ways (retention)
✔️create products that attract our Black community (inclusion)
Random: the panelists noted that some of us grew up differently. Truth!My parents always cooked at home.

Our fancy meals incl: Old Country Buffet and post-church Chinese buffets ONLY if they had crab legs.

TBH, I thought I was doing it big when I ate a burger at Applebee’s🤣
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