After seeing this story, I did a bit of digging.

Andrade filed a complaint in a separate case related to this regarding Civil Forfeiture that he was set up by the Government after Abramoff tried to extort him.

Jack didn't waste any time include Dana Rohrabacher in this
Wait - Jack Abramoff partner with JARED FREEKIN KUSHNER in this "corrupt" project?

Andrade is pissed and posting here -
So - now there's a criminal conspiracy involving Jack Abramoff, Jared Kushner, and Rohrabacher?

Wait - Abramoff's Home was raided as a result of the Mueller investigation?

Andrade has receipts.

Landfair Capital Consulting? Where have we heard this one before?
Oh shit.

All the players are here. This is a NEW court case.

It is interesting that throughout this court case, Andrade refers to the Mueller investigation as a sham yet naming all of these people involved in it as potentially involved in his extortion.
He's literally alleging that the Government is trying to harm President Trump by targeting this guy no one has ever heard of.
He's convinced he's being used to target Trump.

Why hasn't anyone else found this?

What is coming for this case?

We need all eyes on it, now
It looks like Jack and his partner David Cohen repeatedly sent letters of what possible "Bad Outcomes" would look like if they did not do business together.

It looks like there are a lot of bad actors here trying to protect themselves.
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