Here's what I mean by Black women should ask for more money:

In most states in the US recruiters can no longer ask you how much you make, so in pre screen calls prior to official interviews they'll ask your "salary expectations". This is your time to shine!

Think of the number that will actually make you happy. Then ask for a little bit more. Make it uncomfortable. You will not lose out on a job because of this. If your ask is out of range for the position, the recruiter will let you know. You can then ask what the range of the

Position is. They should tell you, or at least give you a midpoint for the position. If this happens (assuming your expected salary is close enough to the range the recruiter tells you) then let the recruiter know that you're ok with the salary range and would like to still

Interview for the position.

Next, go crush the interview. Be confident and get that job! I can't help you there, but Black women tend to kick ass in interviews. Go make the ancestors proud.

Once you've crushed the interviews the recruiter will call you again for salary

Negotiations. They'll lay out a package for you and ask you if you'd want to accept. Tell the recruiter that you need to talk it over with your family. Idc if you're single without a family member or friend in sight. You will take a night and discuss it with your family.

Call the recruiter the next business day and let him know you've had this discussion with your family and while you appreciate the offer you have decided that it isn't satisfactory towards what you would need for this type of position. Then let them know what you require.

That number should be slightly above what you actually want out the deal. The recruiter will being that number back to the management and management will usually find a number in the middle. Sometimes management will just flat out say yes because they dont want to negotiate

Over what ends up being pennies for that business. Those pennies will mean a lot to you and a little to them. These businesses really just want you in the seat.

If they come back and don't budge on the salary, take another night and do this process one more time! Seriously!

đź—Ł You. Will. Not. Lose. The. Position. If. You. Do. This!

If they still remain firm with the offer, then this is the highest they'll go. The recruiter should let you know this. On the second go-round of staying firm with their offer you can be more confident that

The offer is really capped and thats the best they can do. Then you have a real decision to make, and that decision is yours.


Here's why: Every position being filled is a need for the business.

Businesses aren't in the habit of hiring more than they need. In fact many times they're purposefully understaffed. So this position is important to the hiring manager to fill as quickly as possible. Also, businesses can't give out competing offers to two different people.

What that means is that you went from becoming a name in a hiring system, to somebody who the hiring manager believes is special. When you're in the salary negotiation, despite popular belief, you're not competing against anybody!

The second thing is that everyone working

Also works for money. We all want more money, including your recruiter and your hiring manager. No rational human being is going to be upset at you for asking for what they also would ask for. Your initial salary negotiation is a unique time to really advocate for yourself

You likely won't get that chance again until you change jobs again, so take advantage!

So why does this matter?

This matters because an extra 10-15k in your 20s can mean an extra 500k in by the time you retire. When we talk about trajectory, and salary increases they're

Done in percentages. The white guy who asked for 70k and the Black woman who asked for 65k have different trajectories. A couple of 2 to 5% raises & all of a sudden the white guy goes from making marginally more to considerably more, and it's all because of salary negotiation
So be confident that when you're offered a job, that job is yours. The business wants you. Ask for what you actually want. Make it uncomfortable for you. What's uncomfortable in your ask generally isn't uncomfortable to the business. They just want you to add value ASAP.

Wait, I'm not done. Sorry lol.

The reason why I am specifically speaking to Black women is because in my years of recruiting, Black women in particular ask for less money and tend to accept the first offer. No other demographic does this!

I realize there's all types of

Oppressive reasons why BW feel the need to low ball themselves and to accept the first offer coming their way. I don't want to minimize or overlook that. I really just want to empower a group that I've noticed hasn't been advocating for themselves enough in these situations

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