I spent 6 hours this week advising Black students. None of them from UNH.

Don’t want the students to feel bad about this but ppl need to know how much time some of us are putting in, weekly, because their local people won’t put any time in/aren’t competent. #BlackintheIvory
And since even my husband didn’t understand this until I spelled it out for him:

I am not the community mule. If you invite me to give a science talk at your school, I am not obligated to do service to your school on top of that. And this isn’t about whether you pay me.
Black scholars have a right to just focus on their science and to be treated with the same level of respect for our time and dignity as lazy ass white scholars who never bother to learn how to talk to minoritized students.
I spent more than 6 hrs this week advising white faculty - for free - on Black academic/student issues. I love my friends but y’all are getting a lot of free support from me. & will ride off into the sunset with the winnings, while I’m left trying to get tenure. #BlackintheIvory
I can’t remember the last time I had a colloquium or seminar visit where I didn’t spend at least an hour giving white faculty or students of color free advice. What is it like to not be pumped for free service? I have no idea. #BlackintheIvory
Double-edged sword. Yes it counts, but also a lot of it can be used against me. "She could have written another paper, if she wasn't so distracted." And they don't say "oh but was it her fault?" They say, "He <white guy> got the papers done." https://twitter.com/christopherink/status/1276528487751225344?s=20
Also, importantly, service to students who are not in your department or at your university is not valuable to your university and likely doesn't count at all.
Service to faculty, in your department or outside of it, never countss.
Hey everyone, this thread wasn’t me asking for my advice about how to make it count on my annual review. I’m actually pretty good at that. I’m standing up straight in a crooked room though, as Melissa Harris-Perry might say. I’m trying to tell you about the crooked room.
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