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Thread: coercion in intimate relationships

I don't know who needs to see this, but it breaks me to say that many of us do. If you're being forced to do something you don’t want to in an intimate relationship, you may be experiencing coercion.
Here's a breakdown of how coercion works and important signs to notice and speak up.
Different people have different boundaries, and everyone deserves to have them respected. Please remember that it is not your fault. Please know that by giving in to pressure, you have not consented. Please don't feel guilty to use your voice to speak up and say no.
Please give yourself time to heal and seek support, if needed. Please know that abuse and love can not co-exist and it is okay to stop feeling the same about anyone who is coercing you.
If you are someone who is coercing an intimate partner, self-reflect, change, do better. Understand the meaning of CONSENT & ALWAYS seek it. Learn to hear NO and respect their boundaries. Stop confusing persistence with coercion. Please stop making it an issue of your fragile ego
Endless support and love to all those who have or are currently facing coercion in their relationships.

I see you, I hear you, I believe you.

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