Hey new followers, if you're here because you want to join the Post-D&D world and also you want to try a game that's meant to feel like playing through a Metroidvania game, go pick up Beyond the Rift, a $20 game for three players. https://mnemonicrpg.itch.io/mnemonic-beyond-the-rift
Beyond the Rift is meant to capture the feeling of exploration and "try, try again", but it translates the backtracking and high dexterity requirements over to the narrative layer.

TLDR: instead of fighting the same boss over and over again, you just tell us about that.
This game is for three players:
- One player is the Echo, which is basically the "player character" from your favorite sidescroller.
- One player is the Weaver, describing the world as the Echo travels through it.
- One player is the Adversary, describing danger.
Worried about learning a new system? That's okay! Beyond the Rift is designed to be "learn as you go", meaning that when you enter a new place, the card tells you what kind of place it is, and then that place has a concise set of instructions to follow.
If the instructions don't make sense you can @ me and I'll try to offer assistance. Sometimes it's easier to talk through a mechanic than to read its text.
This is a game that's meant to be played from beginning to end with zero prep. You're gonna want to take notes, but this is very much a game you can pick up and play.

(Read "The Tear" before you begin, though, to make sure everybody's on board with its content.)
I think that's all I have to say about it. It's an embedded HTML doc, so you'll have to click "Run Ritual" on the page after you buy it (or from your Library). But that also means you can read it on your phone, your laptop, your iPad, whatever device you normally use for PDFs.
Since I posted this thread, btw, the price of this game has changed. It’s still pretty much a steal at $30, but you should know that before you click to buy so you don’t get surprised. https://mnemonicrpg.itch.io/mnemonic-beyond-the-rift
You can follow @DeePennyway.
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