One of the reasons why white folks will never learn is because when some of them decide to take accountability for their actions folks get upset at marginalized groups for it... even if the white person decides to do it on their own with no prompting from us.
They get so many “no we love you don’t listen to the haters” comments and “argh those damn sjws” takes and “boo cancel culture,” but, like, no one told them to take that stand. They weren’t even on the radar. They did it on their own and if you’re really a fan you’d respect that.
I will never forget, years ago, Adele won an award and she went on stage and said that Beyoncé should’ve won. I will never forget this group of white women I knew at the time who called Beyoncé a bitch for stealing Adele’s moment.

Beyoncé didn’t make her do anything.
But this happens a lot. White folks decide, on their own, to take action or address an issue or admit their shortcomings or whatever and marginalized groups get painted as the villain forcing them to do this when we’re literally just sitting here eating our food.
Like... we’re not telling people to give up their entire livelihood when we say we want folks to do better, we literally just want the ability to exist freely and be on the same playing field as everyone else. That’s it.
I know it FEELS like we’re asking a lot because it’s taking so much to get a crumb of it, but that really is it.
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