this morning, i’m thinking about what will be used to make people care about my life in the event that I’m murdered by state-sanctioned violence.

this might be a thread.

i think I’ll start with what the media might say first though.

(Government Name) Martin, Age, Black Woman, Died in Custody.

(She) was a fat educator and activist who suffered from high blood pressure and had a family history of black people diseases. (She) struggled to fit in in school and often talked about burning everything down.

(Government Name) Martin was often seen as a troublemaker in their work. (She) was argumentative and hostile. (She) often struggled to do anything on time - arrive, pay bills, turn in assignments. (She) was known for her disdain for America and police. This makes sense.

And then this is what will happen - folx will try to get others to care about me. This will be hard because I am black, queer, and female-bodied, but they will try really hard. These are some things that they may depend on to humanize me and make me more palatable:
I was light-skinned. SELFIE. I taught kids and worked tirelessly. SELFIE. So many white educators loved me and were impacted by my work. SELFIE. I was selfless. SELFIE.

I was married to a white woman. SELFIE. I had a college degree. I SELFIE. I loved my dog. SELFIE. I was a jazz musician. SELFIE. I enjoyed the beach. SELFIE. I had close white friends. SELFIE. I did TFA. SELFIE.

My mama worked at a homeless shelter. SELFIE. I loved Dave Matthews Band. SELFIE. I laughed so much. SELFIE. I loved to read books. SELFIE. I also talked about love and dreaming. SELFIE. I was so joyful. SELFIE. Look at them smile at you. Look how human they look. SELFIE.

but tell them that I spent my first twenty years trying to make myself palatable to whiteness. tell them that it almost killed me so I chose to live Black AF until they killed me anyway. don’t try to make me palatable when I’m gone. i have worked too damn hard to be me.

it is important talk about the stories and dreams and personalities of Black folx murdered by the police, but I wonder if we are doing so in honor of their complex humanity or in order to make whiteness care about their humanity?

p.s. if they kill me....
1. burn everything down
2. don’t let them misgender me
3. take care of my dad, @ResidualAsh, @Yen_leen, and @biologywithjane
4. continue to dream and fight like hell for liberation

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