anyways on a bit of a serious note, if you're under 13 don't make/own a twitter account. i don't care how "mature" you are, i don't care if you "act older than your age", get the fuck away from twitter before you traumatise yourself. it's not worth it at all, twitter isn't like +
+ other social media. this place is BAD. even adults struggle with twitter because it's so unbelievably toxic. it's DEFINITELY not a place for under 13s. please just don't, especially don't join stan twitter. if you really want a stan community, join insta or something else.
muting this now, to all the kids not taking this seriously i just wanna say i'm not trying to ruin your fun or whatever. i do understand that there are some amazing people here, but not all. you WILL run into shitty people, because that's just the majority of twitter. you don't +
+ have to listen to me, obviously, but if you are going to ignore this then please at least be careful for the love of god. don't advertise your age anywhere, don't interact with adults, and don't e-date you stupid fucking idiot. i know all of this from experience, but if you +
+ wanna ignore that then feel free. just don't get yourself into any trouble, please.
actually last thing i promise lmao
insta isn't that great either, i just recommended that because there's a lot less interaction with people in general there. twitter is fine as long as you don't interact with anybody, but that's literally impossible lmao. i don't know much +
about other communities or platforms so i really can't give any that actually seem okay, all i know is stay the fuck away from amino lmfao. i guess just when you're a kid don't join social media. at all. idc if you're friends are doing it, they're all gonna end up mentally ill, +
+ doesn't mean you have to ruin your childhood as well. go like ride your bike, or go to the park, or walk your dog, or play stupid mlp roleplay games with your friends, or eat an icecream. go be a child, because as soon as those years are gone you're not getting them back.
also dont mind my profile picture ahahaaha 💔💔💔💔💔
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