I am going to say this for the last time -

Anyone who thinks they have a right to judge or guilt trip the covid recovered patients for not coming forward to donate - you folks are indulging in what is called bullying- Emotional bullying.

Stop. Read the reasons below.
1. Plasma therapy has not been proven so far to be a cure in terms of medical literature that we know of.

2. It is a personal choice same as donating a kidney would not a compulsion

3. Many of these people are dealing with traumas of their own.
4. I personally know patients who have lost multiple family members in a sudden go. They were not even aware of these deaths because they were being treated. (What gives anyone the audacity to judge these people?)
5. Some though have been discharged are still weak & recovering
6. Many have been traumatised by the ostracization that they have recieved at the hands of authorities, neighbours & families when they got diagnosed as positive (and you demanding that they somehow forget that trauma which was thrown on them?)
7. Many are dealing with financial costs of the treatment.

Yes, if one can help save a life why not? But if for reasons or fears best known to them they are not able to - Who gave us the right to judge them or throw public criticism or guilt on them??
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